Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas everyone. We have had an amazing Christmas here in Cambodia. Christmas isn't celebrated in Cambodia, but Savorn has organized Christmas services all over.  So we headed for a village about 1hr away where 4 of the Battambang homes participated in the service which included our Grace Place 1 home.  Savorn preached the gospel and lunch was served.  Our team was invited to do a special song for the program, so we grabbed the available instruments and all sang.

After the meal, we visited with people then headed back. we met a gal from Mansfield who is serving here with Bright Start which is an organization started to help, the Asia's Hope children who were behind in school due to never having the chance to go to school before. It's a small world. she and her husband live at the Kane's.

The afternoon was spent at our homes. We spent some time with our kids at Grace Place 1 before heading over to meet our new kids at Grace Place 2. Since we are the first sponsors to visit, they were a little shy at first, but that didn't last long. Oh wow, these kids are so adorable. More later.

We had dinner at the first home and played with them some more before heading back. Now we are all pretty tired from our day. I will post pics later.

1 comment:

  1. Way to be bringing the love to our kids, thanks so much and praying for your team! - RAD
