Friday, December 20, 2013

After a short night’s rest the first night, the team enjoyed a cultural day.  They hung out with the elephants at the Elephant Camp, refreshed their feet at then fish spa and enjoyed dinner that included traditional Thai dances and releasing of lanterns.

Jeana spent the day at a retreat with the GROW staff. It was a refreshing time of encouragement from the Word of God, fun games in English and Thai and tea.

Today, Friday, we enjoyed a traditional Thai breakfast Faa brought to us.  For all of our friends who have been to Africa and had gozo, the Thai need to teach the Africans how to prepare it.  It is actually good here!!!

Now we are heading up to the mountains to work at the GROW farm with Faa eating super spice tamarind plum flavor chewy snacks. A little spicy, a little sweet, and little hot, a little sour all at once.

More later, now we work.

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