Friday, December 27, 2013

Hello, this is Margot. Greetings from Cambodia!

Before the trip to S.E. Asia, I had no expectations other than the fact that I wanted to experience Christ's love firsthand and to broaden my cultural lens. Little did I know that these kids would freely bless us with their smiles, hugs, and their appreciation for being rescued from their past. So, in a nutshell, the following story is just one memory that I would like to pass along to you.

One little girl I met was very reserved. We were observing everyone open Christmas gifts before Christmas. I noticed that the kids opened up their gifts carefully. The girl who was beside herself needed a song; something to brighten her spirit. I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to sing with her. I sang Christmas songs with her and encouraged her that we were going to sing another one. Her voice was pretty and she was a great learner! The next morning during team time at the Bon CafĂ© in Wiang Pa Pao our team learned that she had struggled with depression and had even attempted suicide. Can you imagine not feeling support or having coping skills to deal with all of the abuse at only thirteen years old? My heart sunk and the tears flowed.

Fast forward to Christmas Eve day when we returned and she remembered our time together. Liz lead some of the girls in "Every Step I take" while we were spending quality time on the steps outside of the home. I observed the girl that had felt lonely; she now looked more peaceful. When it was time to say our goodbyes I encouraged her to "keep singing." I made the connection that God had wanted me to share my passion for singing with her all along.

No matter what we go through in our daily lives, we can be reassured that innocence is being restored and the healing process is taking place. These kids have taught me to be intentional and to make the most of each God-given moment. I'm excited to experience more life-changing moments during the remainder of this trip. Thank you for reading. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

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