Saturday, January 24, 2015

First two days in Thailand

Friday was busy of course.  I choose to be busy on the first day to Thailand because it seems to help me with jetlag.  Beam, Faa's cousin, asked her why she kept me out so late when I had just arrived the night before.  But I prefer it this way.  A short power nap later in the day keeps me going though.

Faa took me to meet a couple, husband American, wife Thai, who are missionaries here with Empower.  They are doing some really neat things with local coffer growers and Children's homes here.  His church back home in Texas has a unique part to play as well as he ships unroasted coffee beans to them.  They roast the coffee and market it raising money for the Children's homes and the project.  The farmers get top dollar for their crops and children can work at the farms to learn a trade as well.

After lunch we did some grocery shopping for Ning. She has a favorite store back in Chiang Mai where she can purchase things she can't find in Wieng Pa Pao. After a short power nap, we were off to the market for some authentic pad thai. We stopped to see one of the children's mom's at the market and checked out the newest items for sale. Faa needed to stop and deliver GROW coffee to a few people, so we left the market early.  We visited a Korean pastor and his family (where we were served Korean dessert and juice), then a Belgium couple (and had more juice).

Saturday, we left CM early and headed for WPP.  A local church nearby was having a thanksgiving celebration celebrating what God had done and how the church had been blessed.  Faa and I attended.  To my surprise, our Grace Place kids were there. SO lots of hugs!!! The church had invited our Grace Place kids, GROW kids, and Sending Hope kids to each perform a song for the church.  So what a joy that was! Of course you can't have a gathering like that and not eat, so of course, we ate. Do you get the feeling that all I do is eat?  It is no wonder I gain weight when I come here.

I checked into my hotel, and Faa told me to rest.  I think she really needed to rest. So another short power nap! Well at least I have a little time now to catch you up on the time here. Tonight I will be back at the GROW property with the kids. Tomorrow  I am off to worship at GP.

You can pray for me on Monday as Faa says she is giving me the truck to drive myself to and from the hotel.  Did I mention they drive on the opposite side of the road, and it's a stick shift.  Oh it's been awhile since I drove one of those.  Ok, I've got this.
Just thought you'd all get a kick out of this.  This is a taxi taking a 1 1/2 hour trip up the curvy mountain roads. You know you're not in America when...


  1. Thank you for the updates. Praying for you and all you will be doing and experiencing....and got the driving thing!!!!! I'm sure the other drivers will see you and smile too! A cute white lady drivin' like a pro!!!! hugs to all Celeste

  2. Did I mention, Celeste, that the gear shift is on the other side too? At least I think the foot peddles are I the same place. If not, I am in real trouble.
