Friday, February 12, 2016

Wiang Pa Pao

I apologize for not posting. It's difficult when we get up early, are gone all day and get in late to have the mental energy to even think about what to write. I will try to catch you up today. You can also go to my friend's blog at She's doing slightly better at posting.

We headed up north into the mountains on Thursday.We stopped at GROW to drop off some of our things before being picked up by Pastor Pat to head on up to Doi Chang. I wrote about Pat's story last year, so please see that post from my last trip to learn more. Becasue I already wrote about his coffee ministry, I will not repeat it here. Pat is the Akha pastor I have been trying to connect with more roasters in the US. I m so excited about our connection to Grounds4Good.  They will be offering Abonzo coffee in connection with helping the GROW ministry. G4G purchases the raw beans from farmers directly at a fair wage, roasts it and sells it in the US giving a portion of the proceeds to ministries. Therefore, G4G will buy Pat's coffee, sell it, give part of the money to GROW, part to church planting, and then also give some back to the coffee coop to continue to build that ministry. I will let everyone know when we that is ready to purchase online.

After spending a couple of amazing days at 4000ft above sea level and learning more about the coffee process, we drove to Chiang Rai to meet Pat's sister who has a ministry to Akha women who are very poor.  She started Siamtique. The women made beautiful handmade bags and she sells them.  I bought several from her to support that ministry and will resell them in the US.  All profit we make will go to support GROW.

Last night we arrived back in Wiang Pa Pao to spend the evening with the GROW children. We had such a wonderful evening playing and worshiping with them. I had the opportunity to share from the Bible with them as our intern Maria translated. I shared Ps 27 along with other passages emphasizing how God is our rear guard, we are to seek Him, but He also seeks us. I rounded it up by talking about Phil 4:8 and how we are to think and what peace that produces in us.

After a time of prayer, Bria and I shared how kids in the US celebrate Valentine's Day.  We gave them funny Valentines that they could punch out. The girls received animal glasses, and the boys received silly faces. We of course had candy and stickers.  Then we presented them with snow from Ohio.  I found these cans of white powder that turn to "snow" when you add water.  So I made some for them and they had a blast playing in it with their hands!

We gave each one a punching balloon.  These were a huge hit.  We didn't even make it to the other games we brought because we were having way too much fun.  I started kickboxing a year ago and had asked my instructor to teach me Thai boxing because I knew our boys at GROW were learning it.  I brought gloves for all the boys. I put on my gloves with them and we sparred (kickboxing with each other). This was so much fun, but the girls were saying, "what about us? we like to do it too." So, I contacted my husband and asked him to buy some to send with the team who is coming next week. SO I hope to be able to present the girls with gloves as well.

Today we are headed for a hike and picnic with the kids, so I need to sign off for now.

 The beans need to dry like this for 7-10 days bring turned 3 times a day.
 Pastor Pat overseeing the end of the day when farmers bring their harvest to be weighed.
 Dinner Akha style.
 GROW property.
 Pastor Pat standing on his new land where he plans to build his ministry. Bria and I had the blessing of praying over this land and dedicating it to the Lord.
 High mountain coffee in the high mountains.

Abonzo Coffee!

All pictures by Bria Wasson

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